City Hall

Office Hours

Monday thru Friday

8am to 4pm

City Hall 870-598-3791 


Police Dept. 24/7




Municipal Light Water and Sewer

Monday thru Friday
8am to 4:30pm

Days: 870-598-3243

Nights and weekends or
to report an outage:

Piggott News

About Us

Piggott, established in 1891, is one of two county seats in Clay County, Arkansas, situated in the northeast corner of the county and state. Piggott's population of 3849 is a small, proud community being one of only 17 cities in the state to own its own electricity distribution system, and one of a very few cities of its size to have a locally owned hospital.

Located at the junction of U.S. highways 62 and 49, we are honored to be a part of Arkansas Delta Byways promoting Arkansas tourism and heritage. The city’s most distinctive “Delta Destinations” are the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum where Ernest Hemingway wrote portions of A Farewell to Arms and the Matilda and Karl Pfeiffer Museum that showcases a world-class mineral and geode collection.

Please keep checking on our progress for this site. For now, check out these links to learn more about Piggott’s attractions.